Basic LinkedIn Workshop

LinkedIn Workshop

In today’s Employment Marketplace, you need to be visible to companies that are hiring and people that can refer you to companies that are hiring – LinkedIn is a great way of accomplishing this.

Getting started with LinkedIn can be confusing and intimidating – but it doesn’t have to be! This hands-on computer workshop will walk you through the basics of starting a LinkedIn account, from setting up a sign-in to starting your profile.

Attend this workshop and learn:

  • How to sign-up for LinkedIn
  • How to start a LinkedIn profile
  • About the different features and functions
  • How to develop a contact list

LinkedIn Workshop

This workshop covers the most basic functions of LinkedIn and how to get started.

Note:  If you have a LinkedIn account and profile, attend the Advanced LinkedIn workshop. 


How to Use LinkedIn – Part 1

How to Use LinkedIn – Part 2

LinkedIn Referral Request Templates

LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

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