

Why use SQL when you have Access?

Access gives you the easy to use query design grid interface for combining data from tables that share one or more related fields. It’s simple to use and generally effective. However, there are still some times when the query design grid isn’t enough to get the job done. Consider the situation where you have two …


Build a Drop Cap in Publisher

Ever wonder how to create those awesome looking letters at the beginning of a storybook…like the “O” in “Once upon a time…”?  You can do it with a Drop Cap, and in Publisher, they are simple to do! Drop caps are stylistic typographic elements, typically an oversized initial letter, which extend down into a paragraph …


Using AutoCreate in Outlook

You can use AutoCreate to quickly create new items from existing ones. With AutoCreate, you can drag and drop Outlook items from the view area to another folder on the Navigation Pane or Folder List. Say you’ve received an email from a colleague with details on an upcoming dinner meeting. It’s not set up as …


Adobe Dreamweaver allows you to insert a Photoshop Image in a web page as a “Smart Object”

Stay connected to your original Photoshop document.  In Dreamweaver Design View, position your cursor where you’d like to insert an image.Choose Insert Image, then browse to your original Photoshop document (.psd), select the file, then click OK.In the Image Preview dialog box, on the Options tab, select your preferred image format from the Format drop-down …


Crystal Report Charting Features

Charts are simple to create using Crystal Reports and usually, but not always, require at least one group to be defined.  In Crystal, you’ll be able to select from a variety of chart styles to visually present your organization’s information. Select from Bar (comparing like data), Pie (showing pieces of a whole), Line, Doughnut, 3D, Gantt, …


Great Use for a Spry Tooltip in Dreamweaver

Use a Spry Tooltip in Dreamweaver to display a larger version of an image when you “mouse over” a thumbnail. Create two versions of an image — one a small thumbnail, and the other the full size version of an image. Insert the thumnail image into your html page with the Insert/Image command. Click on …


What is a PivotTable?

Sharing the Wonder of PivotTables! The PivotTable is a powerful tool for summarizing, analyzing, exploring and presenting data, extracted from larger amounts of data elsewhere in your workbook. It enables you to query the data in user-friendly ways, subtotal and aggregate numeric data, summarize data by categories and subcategories, and create custom calculations and formulas. …


Grouping & Summarizing Data in Microsoft Access Reports

The Report Wizardprovides options for grouping and summarizing report data. You can organize your report by selecting the fields into which you want to group data. If you create more than one group, you can prioritize the groups into levels.In addition to grouping data by a field, you can add grouping intervals. Grouping intervals vary, …


Get a Handle on Excel AutoFill!

Use AutoFill to fill in data…With the AutoFill feature, you can have Excel automatically continue a series of numbers, number and text combinations, dates, or formulas, based on a pattern that you establish. Select the first cell in the range that you want to fill. Type the starting value for the series. Type a value …


Using Excel Data Bars to Show Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting helps you explore and analyze data visually, detect critical issues and identify patterns and trends. A conditional format changes the appearance of a cell range based on a condition or criteria. You can use Highlight Cells Rules, Top or Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales or Icon Sets to visualize data easily, highlight …


Formatting Text in Microsoft Word

Here are some great tips on formatting text using your keyboard in Word 2007 or 2010. To format a word without selecting it, click the word and apply the formatting that you want. For example, press CTRL+B to apply bold formatting. To select a word, double-click it. To select a sentence, press CTRL and click …


Word Styles can make a difference!

Are you using styles yet?  If not, it’s time to get efficient!   A style is a set of formatting characteristics, like font, size, color, alignment and spacing, used to format your document quickly, easily and consistently. Instead of taking three separate steps to format your heading as 16-point, bold, Cambria, you can do it …


Inserting Line Numbers in Microsoft Office Word Documents

In legal documents, line numbers are placed on the left-hand side of the printout to assist in referencing specific lines in the document.  Microsoft Office Word can do this for you automatically, counting the lines in a document and displaying the appropriate number beside each line of text. For Word 2003 and prior versions: 1.     File …


Highlighting Data in Crystal Reports

Did you ever want to make certain information in your reports stand out?  The Highlighting Expert feature in Crystal Reports can help you.  For instance, if you are trying to indicate negative numbers or numbers that are under or over a set threshold.   Here’s an example… In the case where you need to highlight inventory …


Hyperlinking Objects in Crystal Reports

Use hyperlinks to your advantage in Crystal. Did you know that many Crystal Reports objects can be used as hyperlinks?  A hyperlinked object allows a report user to click the object (in preview view) and be automatically directed to another file, a web page, or an email message with a pre-defined recipient already filled into …


Creating a Custom Report in MS Project

You can create custom reports by creating a new report or by copying an existing report and modifying it. Custom reports reflect only the information you need. When you create a custom report, you work in the Reports dialog box, which has three tabbed pages. On the Definition page, you type a name for the …


Using Crystal to Create Dynamic Reports…

Displaying selection criteria in your report header One of the most powerful features in Crystal Reports is the ability to allow users to set selection criteria on demand.  For instance you may want to run sales reports for a specific territory, region or sales rep, or HR reports for a specific department or subset of …


MS Project Gantt Chart Tips

In MS Project, it is possible to print a Gantt Chart view without any table information. To do this, you must apply a table that has all the column widths set to zero. Note that a Gantt Chart view always requires some table to be applied. On the View menu, click Table, and then click More …


Simulate Motion with Tweening and Blurring in Photoshop

Open the desired Photoshop file. Create layers to be used in the animation. Choose Window –> Animation to display the ANIMATION (FRAMES) panel. Create animation frames. Set the layer visibility in animation frames. Tween the frames. Set the required frames. At the bottom of the ANIMATION (FRAMES) panel, click the Tweens animation frames button. In …